Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello followers!

First things first...a special thanks to my Aunt Hellen Schrader, my cousins Melissa Diesch and Suzanne Sampson for a bit of a family reunion at the marina restaurant yesterday for lunch. Dad and I had a great great time getting caught up and laughing about old times. I am just happy those memories still exist in the deep recesses of my psyche!! Thank you Ray and Kayla Rippy for being such great boating neighbors and friends. I am sure we will come across something borrowed from you and be sure to return it! We were thrilled that you, Ray, Al DenBeston, and Anne Balk were there to send us on our way down the mighty Miss this afternoon (I promise I will take care of Dad as you mentioned this morning Al). One of Dad's good friends and mine as well, John Skornia. He has through the years made our boating experiences more enjoyable (and at most times possible)!! The Fulton and Clinton Marina would not be what it is without all your support and maintenance skills. A special thanks to you John. I saved Jim Woods for last today since he located our position on the trip and met us on a dock to wave and take a few passing pictures of the boat next to I-74 bridge at the Bettendorf IA Marina....Umm....Wow that was really cool Jim!!

Ahhh the smell of the Mississippi; the smell of countless boating memories from childhood and adulthood. Those of you that have grown up on the water can relate to the rush of emotions and nostalgia that it brings. Today we left Fulton Illinois Marina on a sunny 75 degree summer afternoon. With 5 days of constant prep work, I was getting the feeling that this day might be a bit more down the road. Both engines roared to life at 12:45 pm and we were south bound and heading for....wait...there has not been a train on the railroad bridge for days right? Well there is one now and moving like 1mph!! The problem with this is that we do not fit under that bridge without it swinging open for us. Well at any rate, we got at least a half a mile down the river in the first hour of the trip after the passing of the train with a good laugh and a comment of "isn't that ironic" from me of course. We passed through 2 lock and dams and logged about 50 miles. We have just set anchor for some dinner, a few beers and some R&R. The enjoyment and excitement of that first day was everything that my father and I could have wished for. Lets hope that the anchor stays positioned while we sleep and the scenery is not completely different when we wake up!!

1 comment:

  1. I love to go on all cruises but the best cruise was the mediterranean cruise it was very enjoyable.
